Tuesday, July 29, 2008

my new cold cathode lamp

i have made a change from white led's to a white cold cathode light. i have got a small cold cathode light that has its own 6v ballast. this light is alot brighter and since the anode and cathode dont get hot, it lasts alot longer then a hot cathode lamp. i have tested the light and it works without any problems. unfortunatly, when i use it with my transistor circuit, the light will not ignite as there is insufficant power going into the ballast. this is not good as i cant use the origional circuit that ran the led's. the problem is with the transistors as there is too much currant being pulled. i need another circuit that has the same features as the origional circuit yet it can run the ballast. this is a problem.

Monday, July 21, 2008

moification to my final design

my final design uses leds to make the lamp light up but i am thinking about using a Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp (CCFL). this is a thin glass tube with a small amount of mercury vapor. the inner side of the glass is lined with phosphors with added impurities. this is designed to make a white light and not an ultraviolet light which is harmful to the skin and eyes. unlike hot cathode fluroescent lamps that uses heat to ignite the mercury, cold cathode lights uses a discharge to ignite the mercury and make a plasma. these lights require a ballast to regulate the voltage and to start the light up. i am going to use this light inside my final design. i have a 6v ballast, a 6v lead-acid battery and a 6v 20w solar panel. i am using this light instead of a white led as it is alot brighter.this light is more suited to a lead-acid battery. it does not generate much heat and it has an alround light output unlike a led. this more on CCFL here.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

week 9 term 2

this week we have been handed out another checklist for the blogs to complete. since i have finished my prototype, i am helping other people to get there ones complete

dtm week 9 term 2

this week, i have done a lot of paperwork for my course. i have caught up on a lot of blogging for my course over the year. my blog will be updated over the holiday break.